Is OpenID a dying standard?
Friday 6th September 2013 at 11:58am by Richard Davey
On the 4th September 2013, Janrain announced that the service (based on the OpenID standard) would be shutting down on 1st February 2014. Larry Drebes, CEO of Janrain, Inc. said in a personal email to his website members; "By 2009 it had become obvious that the vast majority of consumers would prefer to utilize an existing identity from [Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and Yahoo!] rather than create their own myOpenID account."
Although there are big differences between OpenID and Authentication though an identity via OAuth, to a simple end user with a social networking account there are no apparent differences. OpenID can even be used as a means of authentication using OAuth, but with the growth of the social web there is added functionality and authorisation that oAuth offers using an authentication provider other than OpenID.
I'm an OpenID Foundation Member and strongly supported it from the start, but I can't help but feel that OpenID is nearing the end of its life now that parties such as myOpenID are realising that users would rather use other methods of authentication.
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